
AGM Saturday 7th at 2pm at the main camp site.

We are looking for new a new trustee and council member. If you are interested please contact us and/or come to the AGM next weekend

Site of Special Scientific Interest information (SSSI)

There are ground nesting birds which build nests in the undergrowth throughout Shining Cliff Woods. At this very moment some very rare birds are nesting here.
Shining Cliff Woods are also a Site of Special Scientific Interest because of the rare wildlife that inhabits this very special place.
It is also illegal to cycle, ride horses, or damage a SSSI in any way. Unlawful biking, recreational or vehicle activity on a SSSI is a criminal offence which can result in a fine of up to £20,000 in a Magistrates Court, or unlimited fine in a Crown Court

PLEASE DO NOT CYCLE HERE! Except on the Restricted Byway, (simply the continuation of the Beggarswell track), which is allowed.

Walkers – Please stay on designated footpaths, keep all dogs under close control and DO NOT allow dogs to run through the undergrowth…

Thank you.

Martin Redman, Ecology Co-ordinator
Grith Pioneers (Owners of Shining Cliff Woods)

“Grith Pioneers is established to provide an environment through camps or by other means, which will give those people taking part, full scope for self-realisation and encourage the development of personal and social responsibility.

In pursuit of its activities Grith Pioneers encourages educational opportunities, which develop in those who take part, a sense of responsibility towards the protection of the natural environment.”

We would like to thank Derwentwise, Derbyshire Wildlife Trust and The Heritage Lottery Fund for their help, expertise and funding to provide interpretation boards in Shining Cliff Woods.